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Monday, January 24, 2011

Basketball Birthday Party!

This event was as much fun to plan as it was to participate in!  The birthday boy's were twins Cade & Gavin, turning 9 and they wanted a basketball birthday party!  Well, we were gonna give them the BEST basketball birthday party, one to talk about with their friends for weeks to come!  

We chose Children's Memorial Park for the big day, as the winter weather has been amazingly beautiful for Arizona this year, and what better place to gather a dozen 9 year old boys than outside at the park!  Each of the birthday boys chose their favorite NBA basketball team for us to work with for the planning and we created "Boston Celtics vs. Chicago Bulls" ticket-style birthday invitations to invite guests as if they had a ticket to go to a basketball game. We decorated the ramada in each teams colors, created table covers to resemble a basketball court with baskets and mini-nerf style basketballs to practice their shots, served concession-style food such as hot dogs and nachos, Gatorade to quench the thirst of these young ball players and celebrated with basketball decorated cupcakes!  

The boys split up into teams to play a game of team basketball, played a game of H.O.R.S.E and were overwhelmed with excitement when it was "time to open presents", we even posted a video to share with everyone how much fun we all had.  Each child left with a bag of loot containing all sorts of basketball-themed goodies, not to mention the tales of all the fun they had together!

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